About Yard Company

Our purpose is to provide simple, affordable and complete yard care services. We aim to provide superior service while providing it at an affordable price.

  • Simple is integral to being affordable and complete. Simplicity is eliminating overhead costs by streamlining our service and being more efficient.

  • Affordable is part of our purpose. We are usually $5 less per week than our competition. Its not that we are trying to undercut or bring down the industry standard; we've just figured out how to do it more efficiently. Our profit margins are the same but by decreasing the overhead, we can pass the savings on to the customer.

  • Complete is the most important company value because it defines what we do. If you need your lawn mowed, we do it. If you need the weeds pulled, we do it. If you need herbicide, we do it. These three values of the company depend on one and other and define what Yard Company is.